A Short List of the Toughest Sports in the World

Curiosity or for bragging rights, it is good to know which sports are considered as the most challenging and brutal in the world. If compared in endurance, agility, skill, speed, physicality and strength, which ones will rise to the top as the toughest? Here are the top five.

At Number Five – Ice Hockey

Firstly note that this rating is given without considering the fighting, which is a regular feature on the ice. Speed and physicality are the highest-ranking attributes for this sport. It requires a good share of endurance to chase a puck with a stick for sixty minutes on ice. Dribbling a ball with a stick at high speed demands high levels of skill too.

At Number Four – Rugby

Rugby can sometimes appear like a bunch of thugs in a brawl. Probably also the reason for rugby not having any superstars flashing their fame, for the rugby field is most likely the place where you will get knocked down for being flashy. Brutal in many ways, requiring you to run through a wall of defence much rather than going around it. It is a high impact, physically demanding 80 minutes of running around requiring endurance and strength.

At Number Three – Boxing

This one is so straight forward; it is hard to find the proper words on expanding on it even more. Except for the high impact factor, the primary physical challenge, speed, endurance and strength which it requires, it also asks for mental toughness. Whenever any boxer gets into a ring, they know pain is an undeniable factor, and they are bound to get hurt. Then they still get on with it and delivering their best.

At Number Two – Aussie Rules

Rating on a global scale of sports played internationally, yet unless you live in Australia, you might not know what it is. Also referred to as footy by the natives. This game is played with a football-like ball on an oval field, and teams need to score by getting the ball through the posts on opposing ends of the area. This can be done either by punching or kicking the ball. It sounds easy, but the endurance required is massive, and the physicality involved is challenging.

At Number One – Water Polo

With the action happening under the surface, this Olympic sport is easy to miss out on as being the toughest. Still, it requires much of the same act of any handball played on solid ground; it only happens in the water. You can expect a lot of grabbing, kicking and other sly moves which require much physicality. The games require strength and speed, and the fact that players aren’t allowed to come in contact with the bottom of the pool is increasing the endurance requirement even further. Making this sport, mainly accessible in eastern European countries, the toughest competition in the world.