Choosing Basketball Coaching as a Career

Being a basketball coach requires much more of you than just being present during a practice session. It is indeed a physically and emotionally challenging career which considering that you have a passion for the sport, can be extremely rewarding. Let’s explore some of the most frequently asked questions when considering a career as a basketball coach.

How much do they earn?

Before choosing a career path, it is best to know whether the career will offer you a sustainable income. There are only a limited amount of very passionate and highly skilled coaches who make it to coaching NBA and earning the $11 million which Gregg Popovich is paid. Don’t expect the same kind of remuneration, at least not right away. On average a basketball coach can expect to earn in the region of $44 000 annually.

What Exactly Will the Job Require?

First and foremost, coaches are required to organize practice sessions, analyze players to determine how to help them excel individually within the team, supervise their physical training, guiding them into excelling as a unit and calculating the best game strategies. It is also more than that since you have to keep the team emotionally inspired and motivated to give their best.

You will be able to fill this position on various levels, from school level, collegiate basketball or professional level. You will also often have to be available for the team on an emotional level. It is a physically and often emotionally demanding position. Although at the high school level, this can sometimes be a part-time position, it is often considered as a full-time position too.

What Training is Required?

First, you will have to earn your Bachelor’s Degree. There are options available between a degree in physical education and training programs or more specialized with a degree focused on coach training. During these programs, you will learn how to work with athletes effectively, how game plans and strategies are developed, as well as how to develop training programs and enhance skills development within your team. Focus is also placed on injury prevention.

Although it is not a requirement, it is always helpful if you have a background of playing basketball yourself. This will help you to be a well-rounded coach. You will need to get certified. Most schools and colleges will require certification from you. This is to prove that you have proper CPR, first aid and coaching training.

Now you need to get as much experience as possible. The more knowledge you have to show, the better your chances of getting into better positions again start as an assistant coach and learn as much as you can while in the area. This is the perfect opportunity to gain some skills in a practical situation.

Once you can start coaching, it is your story to write and where you will end up, will depend on the amount of effort and focus which you put into your career. Enjoy your passion at all times, and you will excel.